Stop trying to Calm the Storm
I’m certain that we have all learned LOADS of lessons this year, right? Some small, tailor-made only for you. Others bigger, life changing perhaps. Regardless of the extent of our lessons, we have all been forced to rethink and take stock of many things!
But if there is one realization you walk away with this year, I truly hope it is this:
The importance of taking PERSONAL responsibility for yourself, your life and your own well-being.
“But COVID!”, “But my family!”, “But …”. We have all heard excuses like these lately! Using an excuse means that you are declaring you are helpless, you are declaring to the world that you do not have power over your life, thoughts or your actions.
Is this true? Are you REALLY powerless?
No! We all hold incredible power and potential within! The only way that you can be “powerless” is if you make the decision to hand over your power to someone or something else – You place your power outside of you.
We can spend an enormous amount of energy trying to control the world and people around us. But our efforts will all remain futile. The reason for this is simple – we cannot control what happens outside of us!
So what CAN we control?
We can control OURSELVES, our inner workings. By taking back the power that you so freely “give away” you gain control over yourself. YOU are the one who decides what to feel and how to respond to your environment and the challenges life will throw your way.
We need to choose our actions, reactions, emotions and thoughts the way we choose our clothes in the morning – with careful consideration and the knowledge that YOU are in control and know what is best for you. Will you be so irresponsible as to wear sandals out in a snow storm? No! Will you assign the responsibility of keeping your toes warm and healthy to your spouse? I certainly hope not! If you favor the wellbeing of your feet you will be sure to take responsibility and dress appropriately, right?
You see, you are after all the ONLY ONE that can control what happens inside of you.
Power outside of you = PowerLESS
Power back within you = PowerFUL
I used to be a real worrywart. If I didn’t have something to worry about, I would start worrying that I missed something important that I was supposed to worry about. The cycle was endless and exhausting! I look back now and I can’t help but smile! You see, I can totally picture the “old” me running for the hills - or the toilet paper isle in this case (no judgement on those of you who did stock up!). Being prepared for the unthinkable was how I coped, or THOUGHT I coped. But no matter how “prepared” I was, the worry would never leave me… it would quietly poke at me with new scenarios of some sorts which I was unprepared for.
My mind was so powerful at creating these thoughts! Not to mention creating the accompanying anxiety and constant fretting!
I came to the realization that I will never be able to control or predict my situation.
And this is where I had to make a choice:
I could be engulfed with anxiety because I would never be prepared for everything!
I could make peace with the fact that I will never be prepared for everything, take back MY power, and use it to change the way I respond to the storm outside. Because truth be told, there will always be storms!
This storm will pass. They always do. The question is: How will you emerge from it?