Mind Change

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Subconsciously, people remain stuck at the age they experienced the least amount of love.

It is common to hear, in the trauma field, that we stop emotionally maturing at the age in which we first experienced trauma.

I don't know if that is totally backed by science and research...but I have definitely had clients that were very STUCK in certain behaviors, feelings, and reactions.

Our amazing internal defense mechanisms (hormones, Autonomic Nervous System, etc.) have the ability to shut down or FREEZE during times of considerable trauma. 

In an effort to keep you safe, your mind/body makes the choice to dissociate from the trauma. The problem is, it's not a very easy system to shut off or reverse. 

In fact, to make matters worse, the mind becomes highly attuned to anything that even resembles trauma. The mind then filters out most of what is good and only recognizes things that are "unsafe". The cycle continues.

There is hope. The brain is malleable, changeable, and able to be re-wired for safety.

We can reconnect to ourselves and learn to see things that are good and safe.

To gather more knowledge on how everyone can help themselves expand their mindset, we suggest reading our personal growth book that dives into how we really can rewire our brains for the better!