Jumpstart Your
Mind Change

The 4-week Course That Will Get You Started On Your Journey

(scroll down for more info)


This course is for you if:

  • You’ve Read the book And want more.

  • You haven’t read the book and want a bit more of a walkthrough to begin.

  • You aren’t sure about investing in the full course yet.

  • You want to see what this whole Mind Change thing is really about.

  • You are on the fence about sessions and want to try something else first.

  • you have had some sessions and want to go deeper into your self-work

  • You have no idea what any of this is but Mind Change was highly recommended by a friend.

  • You are all about Mind Change, but have never gone past dipping your toes in.

  • You are ready to take that first leap into healing, changing, and transforming like never before!

  • You can think of any other reason not listed here.


 This Course Includes:

8 Separate Segments with Video Teaching/Training ($150 value)
4 Weeks of Unlimited Access to the Material in this Course ($100 value)
Hands-on Exercises and Worksheets/Downloadable PDFs ($50 value)
Email Reminders and Recaps as Each Chapter is Dripped ($50 value)
Special Offer/Gift at the End of the Course ($149 Value)
Personal Growth, Jumpstart Change, and the Beginning of Your Transformed Life (Priceless)

Your Cost: $149 
