Disobey your Fear

Fear.  Its primary function is to alert us of danger or possible threats in order to ensure our safety and survival.  It enables us to avoid or reduce harmful situations. Which is great!  Who doesn’t want to be safe and survive, right?


Yet we live in a time where the fear centers in our brains are constantly activated.  We perceive fear in just about any situation – whether it has the potential for real danger or is merely a thought we replay in our minds.  When we are continuously in this state of fear (fight/flight/freeze mode), our health suffers because our bodies were not designed to remain on alert. 


Besides having a negative impact on our physical health, living in this state is limiting to our everyday lives, robs us of our potential and the desire to pursue our dreams.  All in the name of fear.  We rationalize that, because it saves us from hazardous situations, it always keeps us safe, when in fact it mostly debilitates us.   


We have trained ourselves to blindly respond and follow the voice of fear!  We don’t give its validity a second thought, and obediently allow it to lead us back to “safety”.    


You see, any scenario which takes us outside of our comfort zone will be deemed as “dangerous” by our minds.  Even the idea of it can generate overwhelming feelings of fear. 


So we comply.  We remain in the familiar because, yes, not only is it comfortable, but also because we have grown to believe that fear is always a reliable indicator of an “enemy”.    


Fear of failure.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of being ridiculed.

Fear of your biggest fear being brought to life.


Is failure the enemy? Or the unknown? Of course not! Yet our minds convince us that anything uncomfortable should be avoided for our own safety and well-being.  


The longer we stay in our comfort zone, the less inclined we are to change our behavior.  If we are to grow, change and overcome, we need to TAKE A STAND against our fear! 


So how do we do that?  How do we minimize the hold it has over us?


Making eye contact and smiling at a stranger; complimenting a colleague on a job well done; signing up for a dance class…  Whatever it is that scares you, no matter how small it may seem, go ahead and DO IT!  The smallest step you take in defying your fear will have a transformational effect on your life.  And the more you practice this “muscle”, the easier it will become for you to step away from fear and step out with courage. 


But what if I fail?  What if the stranger gives me a dirty look instead of returning my smile? What if… Yes, you may fail and you may not get the reaction you were hoping for, but have you ever considered what could happen if you are successful?  What if the stranger strikes up a conversation and becomes your best friend? 


The more you attempt – and succeed – the more evidence your mind will have that you are more than capable.  And the more capable you are (and feel), the better you will become at silencing your fear, and the bigger steps you will take!


So today, I challenge you:


Hear your fear, acknowledge it, and then go ahead and DISOBEY IT! 

Heather McKeanComment