A War Veteran’s Experience with a Taste of Mind Change… And How The Military Needs This! with War Veteran Ray Collins

In this deeply moving episode of The Mind Change Podcast, Heather McKean interviews Ray Collins, a war veteran who shares his journey of living with PTSD and how a 40-minute experience with Mind Change work transformed his life.

Ray, who served in the US Army for eight years, including a two-year deployment in Iraq, has faced significant battles with trauma and stress. Despite years of traditional therapies and treatments at the VA, including cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, Ray continued to suffer from severe PTSD symptoms, particularly recurrent nightmares.

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Ray’s journey with Mind Change began reluctantly when his wife, inspired by her cousin, convinced him to attend a grief and loss seminar. At this event, Ray was unexpectedly called on stage by Heather for a demonstration. Initially skeptical and anxious, Ray found himself profoundly impacted by the 40-minute session. Heather guided him through the traumatic memory of a mission in Iraq, where he witnessed the death of a young girl during a firefight. This memory had haunted him for years, replaying nightly in his mind.

During the session, Heather helped Ray focus on the more neutral details of the memory, like the texture of the girl's dress, rather than the trauma itself. This shift allowed Ray to process the memory differently, transforming it from a nightmare into a dream. Ray describes feeling a huge weight lift off his chest and shoulders, bringing him a sense of peace he hadn’t experienced in years.

Ray emphasizes the importance of seeking help and being open to different therapeutic approaches. He acknowledges that while traditional therapies provided some relief, it was the Mind Change session that truly helped him reframe and integrate his traumatic experiences.

Heather highlights the significance of addressing the subconscious mind and shifting perspectives to facilitate healing. She notes that the profound change in Ray’s narrative—from focusing on the traumatic details to recognizing his role in providing comfort—demonstrates the potential for transformation even in a brief intervention.

Dive in! If you are struggling with similar experiences, Ray’s journey offers a story of hope. His experience serves as an inspiring testament to the power of Mind Change work in addressing deep-seated trauma.

In this episode, you will learn:

🌟 Ray's Background: Ray, a war veteran from Iraq, faced significant stress and trauma during his service.

🤝 How Ray encountered Mind Change work.

😔 Impact of PTSD.

🎤 How a 40-minute session on stage at a Mind Change event profoundly shifted his perspective on Ray’s traumatic experiences.

🔄 How prior therapies like exposure therapy were helpful but didn't fully alleviate Ray's PTSD symptoms.

✨ How Mind Change work helped Ray reframe his traumatic memories, transitioning from nightmares to a more peaceful outlook.

🌍 How Ray's story resonated deeply with veterans and families dealing with trauma, offering hope and inspiration.

🤗 The importance of both professional help and support from loved ones in healing from trauma.

🧠 Long-Term Healing: The importance of addressing root causes and rewiring the brain's response to triggers, not just symptom management.

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