Breaking Through Traditional Self-Care: Michelle Muench's Mind Change Experience

In this episode of The Mind Change Podcast, Heather McKean is joined by Michelle Muench, also known as Banana Blondie Yoga on Instagram, to explore Michelle's journey with Mind Change. Michelle first encountered Mind Change through Ellen Fisher's podcast. Although it initially triggered her, she revisited the concept and began sessions with Heather during a period of significant emotional struggle. Despite outward appearances of a perfect life, Michelle recognized that her challenges stemmed from unresolved trauma and complex family dynamics.

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Heather and Michelle delve into how traditional self-care practices, such as yoga and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, often offer only temporary relief and don’t address deeper emotional issues. Through Mind Change, Michelle moved beyond her initial skepticism, discovering significant emotional relief and enhanced relationships. By focusing on inner emotional challenges rather than external fixes, she experienced a profound transformation in her internal state and overall perspective. She now values Mind Change’s holistic approach, distinguishing it from other methods she had explored.

The conversation also underscores the vital role of the Mind Change community. The connections with fellow students offer crucial support throughout her journey, illustrating the transformative power of self-empowerment. This support has enabled her to tackle challenges with curiosity rather than fear.

Additionally, they reflect on parenting, discussing the balance between trust and worry. Michelle realizes that her own childhood patterns, where worry was equated with love, have influenced her parenting style, often leading to anxiety about her children’s safety. This insight marks a pivotal shift for her, focusing on cultivating trust and joy over fear.

Towards the end of the episode, Michelle explains why she integrates equine-guided learning into her practice. She uses horses' ability to mirror and regulate emotional states to enrich her healing sessions. Her journey with Mind Change has been transformative, and she is now on the path to becoming a Mind Change practitioner, fully embracing its profound impact.

Dive in! You'll be encouraged to explore Mind Change with curiosity and openness, discovering its self-empowering approach and how it diverges from conventional talk therapies.

If you’re interested and want to dive deeper or jump-start your journey, consider joining one of our upcoming retreats. These retreats offer the most intensive and compact experience available—check them out on our website.

In this episode, you will:

🌱 Discover how recognizing and addressing deep-seated emotions can lead to profound personal growth and healing.

🔄 Learn how shifting focus from external problems to internal healing can transform your life.

🧘‍♀️ Understand the importance of integrating mind, body, and spirit for effective healing.

🤝 See how engaging with supportive communities can enhance personal development and provide essential encouragement.

🕵️‍♀️ Explore how unresolved childhood traumas can affect current relationships and personal well-being.

🧘‍♂️ Recognize that while yoga can be beneficial, it may not address all emotional or psychological issues.

🔍 Mind Change Method: Learn about the Mind Change approach and its potential to create lasting, profound shifts in your life.

🌟 Discover how healing yourself can positively impact those around you and lead to more authentic relationships.

🕰️ Understand how consistent practice and application of Mind Change principles can lead to significant, tangible life changes.

🐎 Learn about the unique benefits of equine-guided learning and how horses can aid in emotional regulation.

👶 Explore how parenting styles and early childhood experiences shape not only children's development but also your own personal growth and emotional resilience.

Get in touch with Michelle Muench: 




Get in touch with Heather McKean: 






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